How do I customize my garden?

Customize your garden in Planter by adding raised beds, containers, mulch, and more!

Screenshot of a customized garden in Planter

Customize your garden

  1. In the garden, long press and release on a garden square to engage multi-select, then select all the squares to be customized

    Screenshot of a garden with multiple squares selected

  2. With the squares selected, select the palette icon  to customize the background (grass, stone, mulch) and foreground (raised bed edging, containers, hoses)Screenshot of the palette icon in the Gardens view

    Screenshot of background and foreground customization selectorsScreenshot of a garden with mulch background and raised bed foreground

  3. Select the rotate icon to rotate foreground elements:

    Screenshot of the hose foreground selected

Clear garden customizations

  1. Select the square(s) to be changed
  2. Select the palette icon

    Screenshot of the palette icon in the Gardens view

  3. Choose a new background and/or foreground, or select X beside the background and/or foreground to clear customizations

  4. Select Ok

    Screenshot of background and foreground customization selectors