How do I use the Growing Calendar?

Use the Growing Calendar in Planter to see which plants you can start inside, transplant, or sow outside at any point in your local growing season.

Use the growing calendar

  1. Select Calendar from the menu bar

    Screenshot of Planter menu with Calendar selected

  2. Select the sort icon  to change the sorting

    Screenshot of the growing calendar search bar

    Screenshot of growing calendar sorting options

  3. Filter  to narrow the list of plants

  • Select whether you want to Show all plants, see only your Favorite plants or see only the plants In my garden(s)

  • Select whether you want to see plants that you can Start inside now, Transplant now, or Sow outside now (select all three to see all at once, or leave them unselected to the growing calendar for all plants)

    Screenshot of the growing calendar search bar

    Screenshot of growing calendar filter options with Transplant now and Sow outside now selected

  1. Search to find the Growing Calendar for a specific plant

    Screenshot of searching for the growing calendar for raspberries

Interpret the growing calendar

  • The solid black line indicates the current date

  • The blue areas show the time from your first frost date in fall to your last frost date in spring

  • The white area shows the time from your last frost date in spring to your first frost date in fall (your ‘growing season’)

  • The pink, yellow, and purple bars indicate when you can start seeds indoors, transplant plants outdoors, and sow seeds outdoors

    • If the plant is typically grown by planting seeds directly outdoors, only the Start Outside dates will show
    • If the plant is typically grown by starting seeds indoors then transplanting outside, only the Start Inside and Transplant dates will show
    • Darker shaded areas indicate the typical timing for sowing seeds and transplanting
    • Lighter shaded areas indicate times you may be able to sow seeds or transplant but the plants might need protection from unfavorable weather

      Screenshot of the growing calendar for tomatoes